Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I went and voted this morning before work. Couldn't find the address, so I was a little later getting there than I expected. I arrived at 6:40 (polls opened at 6:30) and there was a line out the door. And it was sort of one line, though there should have been two since there were two precints. There were no signs or clear markers - you just had to ask around to figure out if you should veer left or right. I paid attention and had no problems. And I had my voter card and picture ID, in case there were any problems. No way was I going to be denied the chance to vote.

A very primitive set-up, but it seemed to work. Fingers crossed.

I'm glad it's over - the signs in the yards on every street, the mudslinging, the endless debates and discussions.

But if the war-monger wins, I'm moving to Canada. I wonder if the University of Toronto is hiring?

Back to work...

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