Monday, November 15, 2004

Loud in the office

It's very loud here today. And the voices I'm hearing from over the cube walls are not always english. Heck, I'm not even sure they are human. Time to crank up the volume in my headphones.

Monday, monday. It's been a busy one. Worked on a survey most of the morning - then found out it hadn't been approved and would most like need to be massively re-done. Yippee.

Talked to my mom last night about a job she saw for me on the net - a state job, in Columbus. I'm not really qualitied for it - I guess I should take some programming classes. Ick.

Got a new stereo last week and a new entertainment center yesterday. I'll have to put that together this evening. The stereo is excellent - mainly because I can route my Playstation 2 through it. Sweeeet!

Did a little more work with the Sculpy. Learned more about the properties - thinking about trying something new with it. My little plastic castle didn't go as well as I would have liked, but I can always try it again.

Got another project in the works, it's currently behind locked doors. Or rather, cabinets. Christmas gift - shhh!

And before I forget - a big ol' Happy Birthday shout-out to my good friend Scott! The card is in the mail and dinner is on me. I'm not going to say how old he is - though he is older than me. :)

Well, that's about it for me - back to work...

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