Tuesday, November 16, 2004

shouldn't setting up an entertainment center be more fun?

The goals last evening were to set up an entertainment center and put my TV/DVD player/Stereo/Playstation on it. Lofty goals to be sure.

Jeff volunteered to help me out (the fool) - and we set to work. Or rather, I set to work and was making good progress on the -ec- before he got there. We were going along just fine, and then it was time for hinges. Hinges for a door that I don't really need, but I decided to install anyway. We messed around with it for about a thousand years, then read the instructions. Following the instructions actually made it worse, so pretty much gave up. I swore, tried it one last time, and then got it fairly close to level. At least the bottom of the door doesn't rub on the base anymore.

Close enough = good enough.

Then came the set up of the actual entertainment. Trying to get the right sequence of cables to get sound to the stereo and video to the TV was just this side of impossible. We finally pulled a cable from the CD changer he had if my stereo didn't work out and finally got things routed correctly. But then the Playstation didn't work. Another 10 minutes of trying to be polite and maintain our respective cools before I finally thought to check the wonky cable coming out of the back of the playstation. And then it worked perfectly.

I did a little more swearing and we pronounced it done. But by then it was too late for me to stay up and play my games, so I just went to bed.

Today, though. Today many demons will be slain. Many robots will be trounced. Many villanous creatures will have their evil butts handed to them on a silver platter. And all this will be done....

In stereo.

Back to work...

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