Monday, November 29, 2004

long time, no blog

While I could have logged on from my parents place, it didn't seem worth the effort. Plus, I'd have to use AOL and I try to avoid that if possible.

So, let's see here... Thanksgiving was pretty good. The food was good, Mom made too much, as usual. We watched a bunch of movies and Mom worked on the decorations. I put up a tree and lugged stuff around, so I did my part. Helped my sister with the tennis courts at the school where she's a coach. Had to take down some nets and dismantle some things called "tidy courts" - aka, garbage cans. Took several hours, in the cold. Yes, I am the best big brother in the world. Did a little shopping, no gifts - just paper and stuff. Did the "Hanging of the Greens" at my parents church - and again, the serpette's did the brunt of the work. Pizza was good, though.

Hurried back on Sunday to go to a wedding for one of my co-workers. Was running very late - church was 40 minutes away and the wedding offically started in 30. Made it right on time, and the ceremony was delayed anyway. Really nice ceremony - tear-jerker all the way. Got a little lost (on purpose) after the wedding to kill some time before the reception. Nearly forgot my card for them - but went back for it. We were seated at 6:00ish - didn't get served until 8:00 (yikes!) and I left at about 8:45. Did a bunch of origami while we were waiting at the table to entertain the rest of the people sitting there. Surprised myself with a request for a cobra - managed to pull it off from scratch. I made do another one at some point and post it on my site.

And that was the flurry of my Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Oh, I spilled soda all over my car on the drive back home and I thought I lost my checkbook. Soda is contained and the checkbook was at home all along.

Still no futon piece - now I'm getting cross. I'll call again this evening - and this time I'm going to speak to a manager if I'm not hearing the right answers.

Back to work...

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