Friday, November 19, 2004

good deeds - so far, unpunished

I helped out my former room-mate's mother and grandmother last evening.

1. Put up plastic over the sliding glass door.
2. Reset their fax machine
3. Assembled a set of shelves on wheels
4. Moved some boxes around.

"Did you see that one, God?" Good deeds - helping little old ladies. I want full credit on this one.

No, really, it was no big deal. They appreciated the help and I was glad to do it. And they've promised me breakfast one of these weekend mornings.

Worked on a project last night, played some video games, and went back into work to upload some files. I dunno what I ate that caused it, but I also spent some quality time visiting the facilites. Good excuse to read a bunch of comics, so I guess that's okay too.

I may be buying a futon this weekend, we'll see how that goes.

That's all folks...back to work...

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