Sunday, September 28, 2008


I went to a UA men's soccer match yesterday. One of my co-workers had suggested it and decided not to go, but since the only soccer match I've seen before involved 5 year olds, I figured I should see how it's really done.

The match was - kinda dull. Both sides were so evenly matched that it was feint and counter-feint for most of the time. Overall, I think Akron had better technique and the other team may have been slightly faster. Or at least one of their guys was - every time he would come tearing down the field he looked like an out of control locomotive. I wouldn't have gotten in his way.

The AK Rowdies were out in full force - taunting the other teams goalie. They did this thing where they shouted out "left" and "right" whenever he took a step. It was pretty funny - but if he was paying any attention, he didn't let on.

I think I saw our student assistant at the half-time, but I wasn't sure.

While there were a few yellow cards in the first half - the second half was where they really came out. All on the other team - and then a couple of red cards as well. Looked like we were going to have a fight on our hands a couple of times, but the rest of the teams got the potential combatants separated.

It was still scoreless with a minute to go in the second half and I was debating if I would stay for the overtime - but decided that I'd been there that long, I should stick it out. Still no score at 30 seconds.

Finally, with nine seconds to go - Akron scored a goal and won the game. The crowd went wild. Pretty much made the whole evening worthwhile.

The next home game is in October - and I might go. Might be a new soccer fan in the making.


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