Tuesday, September 02, 2008

fireworks, hike, donation

I went to visit my folks for the weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday and their anniversary. I got them a red coffee pot - which they've been looking for - and scored major points. We played some dominoes and hung out a bit. On Sunday afternoon we headed out and went to Jungle Jim's - a sort of international food mart. In this one store you can buy wasabi crackers, a pig's head, and every kind of kitchen appliance you could imagine. I found an ice cream scoop that will work great for ice cream cones.

From there, we headed further south to Cincinati for the Riverfest fireworks show. We faced closed roads, distant parking, confused GPS, and 50 degree angle concrete seating. While a bit uncomfortable, the view was pretty good and the fireworks show was excellent. When it was over, we stood up - along with 20,000 other people - and headed for the cars. The group managed to stay together somehow and we made it out of there without too much trouble. It was a long drive home though.

On Monday, my parents and I - along with their dog - headed to Slate Run park for a bit of hiking. We didn't go to far since the dog was getting tired, but still had a good trip.

I headed back Monday afternoon and was back at work today - and I didn't enjoy it. Really crazy day. I left a bit early so I could go give blood - which went very smoothly except that the needle site kept bleeding. The tech finally got it under control and I went to Border's - then Chic-fil-et.

It's been a pretty quiet evening around here and I'm looking forward to an early bedtime. The weekend has caught up with me and the blood donation has made me tired.

That's it for me... later.

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