Tuesday, September 16, 2008

morning, music

The big windstorm that took out power to a number of areas recently also shut down one of our satellite campuses. And since their web people were without power at home, I got tapped to be "on-call" to make updates to their website this morning. With the call coming in - potentially - between 4 and 6 am.

I woke up at 3:30 to use the bathroom and couldn't really go back to sleep all the way - anticipating a phone call. That didn't come until 6:45 - when I was told that the power was back on and no update was needed.

I'm glad I could be there to help out - but mildly cranky that I wasn't needed and my sleep got hosed for sort of nothing. Eh, at least it doesn't happen much.

I heard a new song last night on the cable music and I've been listening to it today. Amie Miriello: I Came Around Good stuff.

that's it for now. Time to get back to it.

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