Saturday, September 20, 2008

blimp, parking, walk, paper

Living in Akron, the sight of the blimp is not really that big of a deal. However, just a few days ago, the blimp flew over my backyard. It executed a not very tight turn - flying very low - and then flew off again. I shouted up at them to throw down some candy or snacks - but they didn't here me. Or, since it isn't a parade float, maybe they didn't have any on board.

And working on a college campus means that talking about parking is a little pointless. In this case, after a return from lunch, I ended up parking a significant distance from the building where I work. And then realized, when I went to leave for the day, that I'd parked in a lot that I shouldn't have based on my parking permit. Fortunately, I didn't get a ticket.

Last evening I was in a bad mood - so I went for a walk to figure things out. It was pretty late and very dark - and my route was poorly lit. I was a little sensible about my gear - comfortable shoes, long pants, white shirt for visibility. And a knife - just in case. Not that the area where I walked is dangerous in that way, but you never know. Traffic was a bigger issue since sidewalks or even a level shoulder by the road were not always available. So, I got my head cleared a bit, came home, showered, and went to bed.

In the school news paper this week was a story about a guy who killed 2 of our students back in 1986 and was sentenced to be executed. However, he's too obese for the lethal ejection - they can't find his veins. His attorney is arguing that it's now cruel and unusual and he should be spared. Because he's too fat.

Now, I'm not going to debate the relative merits of a death-penalty for this case - but human beings have been finding interesting and clever ways of killing each other for thousands of years. And the needle stick is too cruel? Please. I've had some rough needle sticks giving blood and I didn't cry about it.

Anyway, that's it for now. Going to a party this evening and I've got some errands to do. The costume is coming along fine - just about ready for the next phase. I mentioned to someone recently that I was working on my costume and they remarked. "So, getting an early start?"

"Early?!" I replied, "No, I'm way behind schedule,"

Hey, I've got a reputation to uphold - and these things don't build themselves.


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