Wednesday, September 24, 2008

on campus, swim

I was headed up campus to swim recently and went past what looked like a mini-skate park set up on the tennis courts. Seemed a little odd to me - but what was odder was the sponsor of the event - the national guard. I'm sure there are skate boarders that are also in the national guard, but it doesn't seem like there would be that large of an overlap. More troubling were the two attractive girls I saw walk into the student center with cheaply made back packs with the National Guard logo on them - with the intent to give these out. I think the term for this kind of behavior is a "shill". In any case, it bothers me that the national guard is able to recruit on a college campus. I'm not entirely sure why it bothers me, but it does. Especially with the skate park and the pretty girls as recruiting tools.

Also, the College Republicans had a table set up in the student center that same day. Seemed an odd coincidence.

In other news... I've been keeping up with my swimming, though today was very tiring - more so than usual. Still got in my 30 laps, but I didn't enjoy it.

Only about an hour or so to go for the day - later...

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