Tuesday, June 23, 2009

father, uncle, guest, 100

I went to visit my folks for Father's Day this past weekend. Unfortunatly, Dad had to work all day on Saturday, so I only got to see him a bit on Friday and Saturday evening - though we had more time on Sunday.

On Saturday morning, when my sister came over for breakfast, she asked me a question.

"So, do you want to be called Uncle Anthony or Uncle Wade?"

Yea! My little sister is having a baby! She's about 8 weeks along and is due in January - just a little after my birthday.

My sister, mom, and I hung out on Saturday. We talked about baby stuff, my sister's food aversions, and about names a bit. My brother-in-law got there in the evening from a business trip and Dad got in a bit later from work.

On Sunday, after everyone got back from church, dad invited one of his friends and caretaker over for lunch. Dad's friend has a really severe case of cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheel chair. His caretaker wheeled him in and right over in front of me where I was sitting - and then everyone went off to do their own things. So, things were a little forced - and somewhat awkward. After a little bit I was able to understand him, but it took a tremendous increase in mental processing power on my part to understand him, stay focused on what he was saying, and keep the flow of conversation going. After a bit, we had lunch and the guy and his caretaker stayed. And he dominated the conversation and ended up overstaying his welcome. Dad eventually told him it was time for him to leave. A little blunt, but I guess he and Dad understand each other and I don't think offense was meant or taken.

We did the Father's day thing and I had a bite to eat before I had to get on the road.

Finally, I got an email from the Cleveland Diabetes Association. It was a follow up to the Swim for Diabetes event and made mention of those people who were in the 100 Club. Except, it turns out that it was the 100 laps club - not 100 lengths. Which was kind of weird since all the measurments for the event were in lengths. When I finished up my swim of 150 lengths - 75 laps - they handed me a ribbon for the 100 club.

And I don't think I really earned it. Which bothers me a bit. I'm debating taking another Saturday morning to swim 100 laps and "earn" the ribbon.

Well, time to get back to work.


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