Monday, June 08, 2009

cold, swim, drive

I've been fighting a bit of a cold for the past few days - but since it's been combined with my eye swelling up again I at first dismissed it as some kind of allergy thing. And it didn't help that my neighbor had his charcoal grill and lawn mower going right outside our windows - thought I was going to sneeze my head clear off.

I'm doing better today, though my throat is still a little sore.

I hit the pool today and did 21 laps. Not my best, but okay considering I'm really not at my best. The water was really warm - I kept watching the lifeguards to make sure they didn't throw in any vegetables.

I did a little errand running on Sunday - got some supplies for a a few projects and bought an mp3 player and an external hard-drive. I've held off moving from the cds for a while - but some artists are only releasing music digitally now, so I'd better get on the bandwagon. I've got a big project ahead of me converting my cd's to mp3 - but I've got time and plenty of space now, so it should be fun to rediscover my music collection again.


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