Tuesday, June 02, 2009

600, day, swim

This is post number 600 for my blog and I had rather hoped for something deeply meaningful or a fundamental truth about existence.  Instead, I think it's pretty much going to be same old-same old.

I ended up  having a really really crappy day yesterday.   One task that should have taken 15 minutes lasted all day.  I had 2 meetings that annoyed me and promised to create a massive amount of work.  And then I screwed up the survey tool software by not carefully following the instructions - though, to my credit, they were very much counter-intuitive.

So, my swim was delayed and I didn't get to go to the pool until after work.  I was really looking forward to getting some of my frustrations out.  

Instead, the two lap lanes were in use.    There's a guy swimming in one and a mother teaching her kids to swim in the other one.   Now, it's a big pool and I'm pretty sure that a swimming lesson is not appropriate in the lap lanes, but I tried to not be annoyed by it and got in the lane with the guy swimming laps.   

I tried to stay out of his way - he was less concerned about staying out of my way - and as a consequence I ended up scraping my elbow on the wall.     I stopped in the middle of the lane, lifted my arm out of the water for an inspection and as soon as I did that, it started to bleed.

So, that was it for me.  I kept my arm out of the water and got out of the pool.   I snagged a paper towel and had the bleeding mostly stopped by the time I was dressed and on my way out the door.    When I got home, I opened it back up and cleaned it with alcohol and then slathered on the neosporin and a band-aid.  

I played some video games, read a book, and cooled down.      Today is not shaping up to be awesome, but I'm going to keep my head down and get through it.     On a brighter note, the boss is out of the office this week - so, I'm predicting a slightly longer than an hour lunch hour.


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