Monday, April 13, 2009

visit, game, grandma,

I visited my parents, my sister, and brother-in-law this weekend for easter.   We went to the 1/2 priced bookstore and then over to Micheal's Crafts - I bought some foam hats.  (which I'm planning on wearing here at work since I freqently tell people "I wear a lot of hats")

We also played UNO, Dominoes, and a new game called Zombie Flux.   It was one of those games that winning wasn't as important as the constantly changing play of the game.   One hand took almost 2 hours before there was a winner - and the zombies almost won a couple of times.

We had ham for an early dinner, then I got on the road and headed back home.

No real change in Grandma's progress.  She's at a nursing home for the next 20 days or so while she tries to recover and my dad and his siblings try and determine the next steps for her.

I've just about got all the donations collected for my swim for diabetes - just three people to go.   A few have given me more than they initally planned and my total now is over $500.

Well, I'd better finish my oatmeal and get back to work.   Later...

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