Thursday, April 09, 2009

early, worry

I got up early this morning - around 5:00 am.    I had a time-sensitive task to complete today and it needed to happen before 7 am - and it's one of those that had a 50% chance of going completely wrong.  So, I gave myself plenty of time and things went smoothly.  

Strangely enough, when I came downstairs this morning - my room-mate was already down there. He's usually not up and running until after I've already left for work.  Apparently, he fell asleep in the chair watching TV and was there all night.    I'm of the opinion that when I'm tired, I go to bed.   He frequently does the whole "I'm tired and I should go to bed, but I'm going to stay up for no apparent reason and watch some mindless crap on TV".

In other  news... my dad called me at work yesterday.  My grandmother was recently admitted to the hospital with what was thought to be a diabetes issue but turned out to be a stroke.    My uncle found her - very disoriented - at her house and he and my dad decided over the phone that she should be admitted. 

She's doing better and her motor skills and speech are on track - but she's having some vision problems still and the last update still had her in ICU.  She's getting good care, so, not much we can do at this point other than wait for news.  Dad promised to keep me  updated.

Well, it's just about time for my day to officially begin - better get to it.


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