Tuesday, April 14, 2009

taxes, work, mood

I'm fully in favor of paying taxes.   I think it's a good idea and helps support a wide variety of programs I'm in favor of - as well as quite a few I don't care for but wasn't asked about.

What I despise,  though, are the accursed forms that are required.   I used Turbo Tax online for the state and federal and that wasn't too wretched - but the city of green has the worst form I have even encountered.   I'm a reasonable smart guy and I struggled with this one.

More than just the complexity - it was the attitude that got to me.   The form implied that the person filling it out was:
1) stupid
2) going to do something wrong
3) was going to be late

There were a lot of running totals to be kept and lots of "add line 1c and add that to the total of line f and 3b"   And at the bottom was the line for the assumed late fee and penalty percentage.   They made note of how you could request an extension, but you should pay the tax on time anyway since you'd get a penalty.   No word on how you'd figure that up if you weren't actually filing the form.

It wrapped up with a section where I could estimate my taxes in advance and pay that now.   But, due to their own form set up and verified on the online tool, I didn't need to.  

I don't know how long it took me to complete, but I ended up being cranky most of the evening.  

Also, some "stuff" happened yesterday where I was sort of called onto the carpet - in the nicest possible way - of some things that I had done "wrong".    I wasn't given clear guidance in advance of how to  handle the situation and it all seemed pretty subjective to me.  When pressed, I was finally given the information on how to do it right - but it left me feeling a little out of the loop and cranky.

Seems like the theme from yesterday.   Cranky.     I even tried wearing my silly hats, but I couldn't get in the mood.   Is my whimsy suddenly broken?  Is a tax form and a slight at work all it takes?   (sigh)

In other news... I kicked some ass with the Legend of Zelda, watched a couple good episodes of Venture Brothers, and did some reading.   It wasn't a really bad day - all things considered - but I was in a bad mood none-the-less.   

I guess I can blame part of it on the weather - yesterday it was mostly cold and rain.   Today it's started with sunshine - and rain.    

Well, enough with the complaining  - there are people far worse off than I am.   Time to get back to work and get some shit done.


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