Monday, April 06, 2009

big swim, cards, twitter, vampire

The big swim was on Saturday.  I had intended to do 144 lengths, which equals 72 laps or 2 miles.   I was feeling pretty good as I neared the end and decided to do 3 more laps to set a new record for myself - though I only reported 144 since some people had donated based on the number of lengths.   

I had to share a lane for part of the time, which was not a big deal except for when I did the backstroke - I'm all over the place on that one.  It was difficult to avoid being kicked in the head  - or kicking the other person in the head.   Plus, no overhead flag lines were set up so it was difficult to determine when I was supposed to stop at the end of the lane.  I didn't hit my head this time, fortunately.

So, I got in my laps and got a ribbon for being in the 100 club.     

On Sunday, I sat outside and wrote up the thank you cards.  It was a nice day for the most part, but a little windy.  I'm not used to writing that much and my hand got tired, but I'm glad I did it.  I may use email as a reminder for those that pledged but haven't turned the money in, but a thank you card seems the right way to go at the start.

I've also started Twittering.   But, I've decided that all my Tweets will be in the form of Haiku.   Just for the challenge and for something different.

Finally, watched an odd vampire movie called Let the Right One In.    Set in Sweden, it was dubbed in English and told the story of a social misfit who befriends a 12 year old "looking" vampire "girl".   Strange movie - very nuanced.

That's it for now... later...

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