Tuesday, April 28, 2009

grandma, book, neighbor

I talked to my sister late last evening - she gave me an update on my grandmother.   Grandma isn't really doing better and although the doctors had said at one point that it might take 15 -20 weeks before she shows marked improvement, some decisions are already being made.   There's been discussion about her moving in with my aunt and uncle and then renting out her house and selling her car.

I'm getting all this 2nd or 3rd hand and I guess there's some tension building between my dad and his siblings.   I guess we knew and could see a slow decline, but this is... well... sudden.  

My sister and I are talking about taking a couple of days and going to visit - though the question suddenly becomes - "where will we stay?" - since we always stay with Grandma when we visit there.

Strange times.

I had a bit of a headache yesterday and had to lay down a bit  - fortunately, it didn't turn into a migraine.   I did some reading - a new book called "sharp teeth".   It's written in the style of poetry, which had me a little worried when I first opened it up, but it's an easy read and well put together.   And you really have to work at it to go wrong with werewolves.

The new neighbors were out in the back yard, and they failed the only test I have for neighbors. That being - are they quiet?   I'm pretty much fine with everything else - up to and including ritual sacrifice.   As long as it's done quietly.     And they weren't.  

I had a busy morning - but the afternoon is slowing down a bit.  Made some good progress on a big survey project and I've got to close down a ballot later today.  Just kind of in a quiet mode.

I guess that's it for now.  I think I'm going to try and write another twitter haiku. 


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