Sunday, April 26, 2009

eye, sunshine, books, pandemic

Friday afternoon, while still at work, my right eye started to swell shut.   I used to get this when I was a kid and even had allergy tests done that were inconclusive.  The remedy back then was Benedryl and sleep - and I didn't have much choice on the sleep part after taking the Benedryl.

So, when this happened, I at least knew what to do.  I stopped on my way home and got some Benedryl and took one as soon as I got in the door.

And though I didn't fall asleep, I was pretty much drugged up the rest of the evening.  I took another before I went to bed.  

On Saturday, I still wasn't back to normal - so, I took another dose.   Spent much of the day outside and when I was feeling a little better, I ran some errands.   Which was not the best thing to do.  I'm always a careful driving, but I could feel my reaction time was not up to par and took things extra slow.  I felt a little better after a snack and about a gallon iced tea from Wendy's.

Today, my eye is better  - almost back to normal.  I still don't know was causes this, but at least it didn't interfere with any plans.

It's been really nice outside the past couple of days and I got a little sun for my pale geek flesh.  I'm a ways from tan, but I think shorter doses will be better.

I've been doing a lot of reading this weekend, finished one book, read another cover to cover, and started a third.   Lazy weekends are made for sitting outside and reading.

I got a call from Mom this afternoon with some precautionary warnings about the potential pandemic.   I'm not sure if I'm going to be stocking up on food and water yet, but the Ohio case that's been found is in Lorraine county - which is not that far away.  

Not looking forward to work this week - got a couple more big projects and a huge survey to put together.

I think I'll play a little bit of a video game and call it an early night.  


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