Friday, April 17, 2009

news, sleep, story

I got an update on my grandmother today - she's not recovering from her stroke as quickly as we'd thought she was.  Still some vision problems and some cognitive issues.    It's got me a little down.

I've also not been getting enough sleep recently.  There's been some work and family stress going on and though I'm getting the same sleep hours I usually do - they aren't working as well.    I've also had a bunch more dreams upon waking and though I can identify some of the elements from my waking world, the combination is disturbing and disconcerting.

In better news... I spent much of the afternoon outside when I got home from work.  Had a snack, did some reading - just relaxed a bit on my quiet back porch.   Wasn't quite warm enough to how shirtless and get some sun - but it was fine for t-shirt, blue jeans, and flip-flops.  

I've also starting kicking around a story in my head - a sort of modern day retelling of the myth of Pandora.   She's got a thing for containers and I can certainly relate.  I want to work on it in my head for a little while before committing it to pen - maybe I'll work on it on this beach this summer.

Time for another meeting... gotta run.   


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