Friday, April 03, 2009

rest, better, temp

I'm taking the day off from swimming.  I think I could still do a mile today and then 2 miles tomorrow, but I think I've earned a break.   A few people have decided to do donations per length - so, I'm more motivated to go the distance and don't want to risk being too tired to finish.

My room-mate called last night from his sister's to report in about the funeral.   Apparently it was a mostly good service (with the exception of most of what the minister said and the overly loud and somewhat self important singers) - and even the guy's defense attorney got up and spoke for a bit.  I asked my room-mate if he thought he got some closure and he said he did.   

I talked a bit to my co-worker - he and his sort-of-maybe-ex-ish girlfriend had a good talk last night and went out to eat.  So, there's hope there.   He didn't really go into detail and I didn't pry - but thinks may be on the right track for them.

In other news... the warm weather has had an impact on the building temperature where I work.  Since it's controlled by time of year and not actual outside temp - it's still set on heat and was in the mid eighties in here yesterday.     I dressed in layers today in case we get up there again - but the rain this morning should help.

So, looks like we're got another mission critical last nano-second project brewing here - looks like I'd better get back to my email.


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