Monday, April 20, 2009

soccer, sisters, sick, sleep

I went to a soccer game on with my former room-mate's mother.   We were there to watch her grandson and although I enjoy her company, the tension between her and her son is starting to get to me.   If pressed, I think I could come up with what she had told me was the cause of their 'cold war' - but it seems so trivial.   So, I stood on the side lines near her - and because of that her son never acknowledged me.   I'm not really sure if he would have if she hadn't been there actually, but I like to think he would.    It's just... tiresome.  And I seem to be caught in the middle of it.   Not really sure what I can do about it.   And there are a lot of soccer games coming up.

While I was at the field, my cell phone rang.   The number on the caller ID was my sister's and when I hit the button to take the call, I heard a horrible noise.   It almost sounded like distorted words in with the buzzing sound so I listened for a minute before I figured out that it was the sound of a chainsaw.

This didn't really surprise me.  My sister and brother-in-law have a wood burning stove and they are always on the hunt for firewood.   Also, my brother-in-law really enjoys his chainsaw.  When the noise didn't stop, I figured I'd been called by accident and hung up.

After the match, I called my sister back and asked her how the wood cutting had gone.  She said it was fine, but couldn't figure out how I knew.  I told her that she called me and we got a good laugh out of it - though she's pretty sure her phone locks when it's closed  - partly ruling out "butt-dialing".   So, strange, but funny.

I did a little running around that afternoon with a few errands and got a little sun.  It was good while it lasted.  Sunday was gray and raining.

And Sunday morning started far too early.  I was still in bed a little before 9:30 and while slightly on my way to being awake, I was still enjoying being partly asleep.  And then the phone rings.   After a couple of rings, I realize my room-mate isn't going to get it.  I glance at the caller ID, grumble, and answer the phone with my most sleepy sounding hello I can muster.  The conversation goes like this:

Me: "Hello?"
My room-mate's sister: "Hey, are you awake?"
M: "Just barely and not happy about it.  Is this an emergency?"
M R-M S: "No. Bye."
Me: "I'll have him call you later."

Turns out my room-mate had been awake since 6:30 that morning, but was in the bathroom when she called.   When he called her back later, she made a comment of how it took him 5 hours to call back after I got over being pissed off.   (Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me either)

Personally, if I had called someone and awakened them at a time when it would be usual for someone to be asleep - well, I'd be tripping over myself to apologize.    No such response.

For the record, I'm up at 6:30 every morning of the work week and on the weekend - if given half a chance - I'm going to sleep in.  Especially single digits AM.

In other news...I've been fighting a cold for the past few days and it got bad enough that I took some alkaseltzer plus cold.   I know people who tell me that it isn't that bad.   And those people are lying.     I did feel a little better though as the evening went on  - but ended up  having a bit of trouble getting to sleep. 

Which is not a good thing.   I've been having trouble getting enough rest for the past week or so.  I'm getting the same number of hours - but they aren't doing the job as well as they usually do.
Not sure what's going on with that, but I'm not liking the dark circles under my eyes or the extra-tiredness I've got going.

So, it's going to be a busy week.  I'm going to be in several day long sessions for evaluation of our website as the tech guy for the evaluation software.   And I'm really hoping it doesn't break.  So, lots to do today to try and get ahead.


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