Sunday, September 28, 2008


I went to a UA men's soccer match yesterday. One of my co-workers had suggested it and decided not to go, but since the only soccer match I've seen before involved 5 year olds, I figured I should see how it's really done.

The match was - kinda dull. Both sides were so evenly matched that it was feint and counter-feint for most of the time. Overall, I think Akron had better technique and the other team may have been slightly faster. Or at least one of their guys was - every time he would come tearing down the field he looked like an out of control locomotive. I wouldn't have gotten in his way.

The AK Rowdies were out in full force - taunting the other teams goalie. They did this thing where they shouted out "left" and "right" whenever he took a step. It was pretty funny - but if he was paying any attention, he didn't let on.

I think I saw our student assistant at the half-time, but I wasn't sure.

While there were a few yellow cards in the first half - the second half was where they really came out. All on the other team - and then a couple of red cards as well. Looked like we were going to have a fight on our hands a couple of times, but the rest of the teams got the potential combatants separated.

It was still scoreless with a minute to go in the second half and I was debating if I would stay for the overtime - but decided that I'd been there that long, I should stick it out. Still no score at 30 seconds.

Finally, with nine seconds to go - Akron scored a goal and won the game. The crowd went wild. Pretty much made the whole evening worthwhile.

The next home game is in October - and I might go. Might be a new soccer fan in the making.


Friday, September 26, 2008

500, flowers, lost

This is post #500. Which is somewhat amazing since I'm usually the quiet one without a lot to say. Apparently, I have a lot to write.

Today, while walking back from my swim, I saw a group of people working on one of the flower beds in the shape of the UA logo. They had tarps set up and were carefully working on the white flowers - spray painting them blue. UA blue - to be exact. This would be a nice contrast to the naturally occurring UA yellow flowers under the tarps. I'm hoping this was some environmentally friendly organic paint - but it didn't smell like it. It was like something out of a chuck Palahniuk novel.

I forgot to mention earlier that my room-mate bought a Garmin last night - with a little technical help from me. Ironically, it sent us the wrong direction of the first place we tried and it listed a Pizza Hut that closed a while ago. The rest of the directional requests went well and he has it talking in a crisp British accent. I think the next step will try to get it to speak Italian.


sneeze, state, batman

I went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner last night and had an excellent meal. The only downside, once again, was the sneeze shield over the salad bar. I'm 6 foot tall and my shoulders are fairly high off the ground as a result. The sneeze is set much lower than that to protect the food, which is fine, except that to reach the items in the back, I need to hunker down to almost comical levels. I got what I wanted, but it was more of an adventure than I needed. I'm not sure what the solution is though, a raised shield would let short people sneeze on the food. And that would not be good.

I've been thinking, for some reason, that the idea of state laws is a little comical. Given the proximity of states to each other and the relative homogeneity of Americans - or for that matter, human beings - having different sets of rules for people that might live only a few feet from each other seems really odd. There's nothing to be done about it - I mean, we've got people that are so state-centric that they would consider leaving the US, so me with my complete lack of state identity is likely to be ignored. But it still seems weird to me.

Finally, I picked up the Batman Lego game last night. It plays pretty much like the Star Wars and Indiana Jones versions, but it's pretty cool.

That's it for now... later...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

on campus, swim

I was headed up campus to swim recently and went past what looked like a mini-skate park set up on the tennis courts. Seemed a little odd to me - but what was odder was the sponsor of the event - the national guard. I'm sure there are skate boarders that are also in the national guard, but it doesn't seem like there would be that large of an overlap. More troubling were the two attractive girls I saw walk into the student center with cheaply made back packs with the National Guard logo on them - with the intent to give these out. I think the term for this kind of behavior is a "shill". In any case, it bothers me that the national guard is able to recruit on a college campus. I'm not entirely sure why it bothers me, but it does. Especially with the skate park and the pretty girls as recruiting tools.

Also, the College Republicans had a table set up in the student center that same day. Seemed an odd coincidence.

In other news... I've been keeping up with my swimming, though today was very tiring - more so than usual. Still got in my 30 laps, but I didn't enjoy it.

Only about an hour or so to go for the day - later...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

staples, mouse

I headed to Staples last night to pick up a few things and as I walked in the door I knew something was amiss. The inner doors slowed as I walked through them and stopped so that I had to turn sideways to get in. The interior lights also went off for a moment - then came back on as someone shouted "sorry!". Some of the lights went out again, but I was still able to find what I was looking for. I went to the registers at the front and got in line - unusual for staples as they usually get people through the checkout quickly. After a few moments, it became clear there was a problem with their computers - as a guy came to the line and asked who was paying by cash or check. After a wait, I got called over to the other register where the clerk started to write down the SKU numbers so he could go and look up the prices in the store. While he was gone, I asked another clerk if they could run a credit or debit card manually. They said no and walked away. I was about to go find the clerk that was helping me to point out he was wasting his time if I couldn't use some kind of plastic - when he then came back with the prices. I asked about the plastic option again and he went to go find out the process - then discovered that the registers were working again. He rang up the purchases and I paid with my debit card and left.

Things that they did wrong:

A) no sign on the door. If they really couldn't run plastic, they should have posted a sign or made a general announcement.

B) no backup plan? It was pretty chaotic when they tried to find the prices and get people checked out.

C) poor communication between the staff members. The clerk that was helping me was out of the loop and not prepared for having the system go down.

It all worked out, but it was a near thing.

In other news... I heard about someone who uses their mouse upside down - that is, with the cord pointing towards them. And, apparently, they do this on purpose. I can only imagine the problems this would cause. How could they get anything done? How would they train themselves away from the intuitive motion of the mouse? How would they use the buttons? (poorly, as it turns out) and what the hell would they do with the touch pad of a laptop?

I mean, seriously, give it a try. I had a bad enough time when I switched the mouse to the left hand side of my keyboard as a show of support for my left-handed co-workers. It was the longest day of my computing career.


Anyway, that's it for now. later...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

blimp, parking, walk, paper

Living in Akron, the sight of the blimp is not really that big of a deal. However, just a few days ago, the blimp flew over my backyard. It executed a not very tight turn - flying very low - and then flew off again. I shouted up at them to throw down some candy or snacks - but they didn't here me. Or, since it isn't a parade float, maybe they didn't have any on board.

And working on a college campus means that talking about parking is a little pointless. In this case, after a return from lunch, I ended up parking a significant distance from the building where I work. And then realized, when I went to leave for the day, that I'd parked in a lot that I shouldn't have based on my parking permit. Fortunately, I didn't get a ticket.

Last evening I was in a bad mood - so I went for a walk to figure things out. It was pretty late and very dark - and my route was poorly lit. I was a little sensible about my gear - comfortable shoes, long pants, white shirt for visibility. And a knife - just in case. Not that the area where I walked is dangerous in that way, but you never know. Traffic was a bigger issue since sidewalks or even a level shoulder by the road were not always available. So, I got my head cleared a bit, came home, showered, and went to bed.

In the school news paper this week was a story about a guy who killed 2 of our students back in 1986 and was sentenced to be executed. However, he's too obese for the lethal ejection - they can't find his veins. His attorney is arguing that it's now cruel and unusual and he should be spared. Because he's too fat.

Now, I'm not going to debate the relative merits of a death-penalty for this case - but human beings have been finding interesting and clever ways of killing each other for thousands of years. And the needle stick is too cruel? Please. I've had some rough needle sticks giving blood and I didn't cry about it.

Anyway, that's it for now. Going to a party this evening and I've got some errands to do. The costume is coming along fine - just about ready for the next phase. I mentioned to someone recently that I was working on my costume and they remarked. "So, getting an early start?"

"Early?!" I replied, "No, I'm way behind schedule,"

Hey, I've got a reputation to uphold - and these things don't build themselves.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure

I headed up to the student center for lunch in a bad mood - which is never an ideal state of mind to be having when facing crowds of randomly moving college students. The noise, the chaos... it was nearly overwhelming. And in the middle of all of that and with a headache forming, I had a weird sensation come over me. For just an instant, I felt as though my physical being was just barely holding onto reality. As though, if I lost just a tiny bit more focus, I would get swept away in a burst of non-reality and cease to exist.

It was disconcerting to say the least. And a firm indication that I need to get more sleep at night.

Reminds me a bit of a few quotes from Douglas Adams:

From the Long, Dark, Tea-time of the Soul: "nonlinear, catastrophic structural exasperation" and "fundamentally fed up with being where it was."

From the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure

That last one seems to fit best. The feeling that we've got to - at least on some level - put forth some effort to simply exist. And if we stop doing - for even the smallest of instants - we suffer a spontaneous massive existence failure.

And perhaps there's something deeper here. More psychology than physics. Can we get so lost in the chaos around us that we lose that essential element that makes us who we are? Is our grip on our own fundamental essence so tenuous? Can our "spark" flare up and go out?

I got my pizza and bottle of green tea with honey - which has, so far, failed completely in granting me any degree of calmness. I'm still cranky and now wary that my own atoms may get distracted and betray me into non-existence. It's been a strange day and I'd really like to go home...

morning, music

The big windstorm that took out power to a number of areas recently also shut down one of our satellite campuses. And since their web people were without power at home, I got tapped to be "on-call" to make updates to their website this morning. With the call coming in - potentially - between 4 and 6 am.

I woke up at 3:30 to use the bathroom and couldn't really go back to sleep all the way - anticipating a phone call. That didn't come until 6:45 - when I was told that the power was back on and no update was needed.

I'm glad I could be there to help out - but mildly cranky that I wasn't needed and my sleep got hosed for sort of nothing. Eh, at least it doesn't happen much.

I heard a new song last night on the cable music and I've been listening to it today. Amie Miriello: I Came Around Good stuff.

that's it for now. Time to get back to it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

errands, fuel, light

I ran some errands today - and I was ready for the rain. Flip-flops and a jacket with a hood. My feet got wet, but they dried much faster than if I'd been wearing shoes and socks. Not going to work in the winter-time - obviously - but while the temperature holds...

I got a lot done, even had time to drop $20 in my gas tank. And it went a lot further than if I'd waited a couple of hours - the price jumped $.20 in a couple of hours. Greedy gas companies.

This afternoon, I replaced the light fixture in my basement with one that has an outlet. This let me put in another light where I needed it. Didn't take long either - though I had to stop and knock out the extra tabs to make it fit and then had to reverse it to get the outlet on the correct side. Still, I was pleased with the result.

I'm going to spend much of tomorrow working on my costume - I think I got all the supplies I needed today. Wish me luck.

That's it for now... later.

Friday, September 12, 2008

shared lane

So, I'm in the pool today and I'm doing my laps and there's a guy getting ready to get in the lane next to mine. And by getting ready, I mean he was folding up his red-tipped white cane. He's visually impaired. Which is not a big deal in the pool - I've seen him before and while he's not fast, he does okay. Except he didn't get in the lane next to mine - he got in my lane. I realized this on my way back and just floated there, facing him for a moment while I figured out what to do. I thought I might be able to share the lane, but he does tend to wander and I didn't think I could avoid him. So, I ducked under the water and moved outside the lanes. I don't think he realized what was going on at all.

Being outside the lanes meant that, for my last lap, I decided to go diagonally across the rest of the pool. It ended up being about a lap and a half and while I felt like I was breaking some kind of rule or something, I was completely ignored.

that's about it for now... I'm glad the week is just about done. later...

Monday, September 08, 2008

on campus, doctor's office, injury, registration

I noticed on campus today that there were people handing out bibles to passersby. I politely declined to the two people standing about 10 feet away from each other. A little further on my way, I was asked if I was registered to vote. No connection between the two groups, just a little interesting that they were both on campus at the same time. (separation of church and state?)

My doctor's office has been trying to get a hold of me - they've left a couple of messages. I called them today and they said it was about my high blood pressure medicine that my wife Robin called in about. When I expressed some confusion, they figured it must have been put in the wrong chart. It's a little ironic that I've been meaning to schedule an appointment to see my doctor about my migraines, but I didn't have my calendar available and I'll need to look at my schedule before I set something up.

While I was running some errands this afternoon, I noticed a guy next to his bike in a grassy area near the road. His bike was laying on it's side and he had his arm under his head - apparently enjoying the shade on a warm day and resting. I drove on past, thinking he had the right idea. When I came back through, the area was surrounded by ambulances - the sleeping guy had apparently been injured - maybe by a hit and run - and was now being cared for by the paramedics. I felt bad - I should have stopped. But at the same time, he looked like he was sleeping in the shade next to his bike - something I might have done in that same position.

Finally, I got a notice in the that I'd been randomly selected to provide my proof of insurance. Sort of like winning a contest. Except I don't get anything, it costs me a stamp, and if I don't do it, my registration is revoked.

that's it for now - later...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

fireworks, hike, donation

I went to visit my folks for the weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday and their anniversary. I got them a red coffee pot - which they've been looking for - and scored major points. We played some dominoes and hung out a bit. On Sunday afternoon we headed out and went to Jungle Jim's - a sort of international food mart. In this one store you can buy wasabi crackers, a pig's head, and every kind of kitchen appliance you could imagine. I found an ice cream scoop that will work great for ice cream cones.

From there, we headed further south to Cincinati for the Riverfest fireworks show. We faced closed roads, distant parking, confused GPS, and 50 degree angle concrete seating. While a bit uncomfortable, the view was pretty good and the fireworks show was excellent. When it was over, we stood up - along with 20,000 other people - and headed for the cars. The group managed to stay together somehow and we made it out of there without too much trouble. It was a long drive home though.

On Monday, my parents and I - along with their dog - headed to Slate Run park for a bit of hiking. We didn't go to far since the dog was getting tired, but still had a good trip.

I headed back Monday afternoon and was back at work today - and I didn't enjoy it. Really crazy day. I left a bit early so I could go give blood - which went very smoothly except that the needle site kept bleeding. The tech finally got it under control and I went to Border's - then Chic-fil-et.

It's been a pretty quiet evening around here and I'm looking forward to an early bedtime. The weekend has caught up with me and the blood donation has made me tired.

That's it for me... later.