Thursday, November 20, 2008

swim, dream

I was busy through yesterday with meetings, so I had to get my swim in after work. The pool was crowded, some kind of high school swim practice, and there were only three lanes open for lap swimming - one of which was going to be closed not long after I got there for water aerobics. Another lane was being used by a guy and his kids. Fortunately, a lane opened up just as I got there and I hit the water and tried not to keep up with the high school swimmers. Man, those kids are fast. And when they really got going, I got tossed around a bit by their wake.

I had a dream last night/this morning that I had bought a house and moved into it. Along with the stresses of moving and setting up a house, I also had to get a plan to rebuild the garage since it was about to fall down. Finally, a neighbor came over and was suddenly possessed by a unstoppable demonic force. On more familiar ground, I was able to slow the attacks with a massive set of steak knives, but knew that it was only a matter of time before it got me and tore me to pieces.

I woke up then, very disconcerted. I even took a wrong turn going to work. I've mentioned before that I wonder about dreaming of some place far away - and then having trouble making it all the way back to the waking world. Kinda feels like that this morning.

Anyway... back to work...

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