Monday, November 10, 2008

hanged, math, pineapple, catnip

I've got a stuffed Flash figure in the back of my car - belted in and just along for the ride. My car is red, the Flash is red - the Flash is fast, my car is... an appropriate speed based on local traffic laws and weather conditions. Anyway, he's usually in charge of the backseat unless a human being gets in there. A couple of weeks ago, I was driving a couple of co-workers to Chipotle and one of them flipped the Flash over and hung him from the seat pull-down strap by his ankle.

I left the Flash that way because I was sure I'd seen that somewhere before - I recently figured it out. It's the same pose as the Hanged Man (Traitor) in the tarot cards. Freaky.

I swam today - and mixed it up a bit by making the math more complicated than it needed to be.
A set of 10, 2 sets of 2, a set of 10, a set of 6, 2 sets of 3 and a set of 4. So, 40 laps in all. Hey, what else am I going to do? I also did some planning on next year's costume. I can see it in my head, but it's going to require learning some new skills.

Finally, I was enjoying some mixed fruit last night and started to choke on a piece of pineapple. Part of the chunk flew out of my mouth onto the floor and the rest slammed into my soft pallet and tried to go up by nose from the inside. It's a little funny now, but it was pretty intense when it happened.

Finally - part 2. One of my co-workers just gave me some tea to try - called Tension Tamer. Not that I'm really all that tense right now - but one of the ingredients is catnip. So, of course, I have to give it a whirl. I'll report on the effects later.

that's it for now...

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