Friday, November 21, 2008

snow, head, movie

I called the snow line this morning and was, as I expected, disappointed. "The university is open, all classes activities and special events are being conducted as scheduled." Yeah, I've called it enough over the years to have the standard message memorized.

The roads were pretty clear, which was fortunate as some idiot pulled out in front of me as I was trying to get on the highway. His lane wasn't going fast enough for him - which would have been an indication that a) the roads were bad or b) there was an accident up ahead. And those are both good reasons not to drive like an idiot. I slammed on my brakes and laid on my horn - and was ignored.

I can't really blame the guy for ignoring my horn. I would like a horn that says - or at least implies - "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY". Instead, it's more of a little toot that says "Hi, ummm... sorry to bother you, but would you mind moving a bit? Thanks! You're the best!"

I made it to work without further incident.

Yesterday, I stopped off at the post office to drop a package in the mail and get some stamps. I had a difficult time just getting into the parking lot since someone in an SUV was waiting on someone in line in the building and was parked blocking the only lane though the lot. I hit my "I'm terribly sorry to bother you" horn and finally got them to move. Once inside, there was the usual and standard people trying to make things more complicated - including a women who insisted on paying with her credit card, but refused to sign the back - despite the posted signs to that effect. I got through that and went on to get my hair cut.

There was no waiting at the Great Clips and I was seated right away. The stylist noted from my records that I usually get a buzz down to level 1 of the clippers. I said this time I wanted a zero - i.e. stubble.

A slight argument ensued. I say slight because we were both polite about things, but it was still an argument because I made a reasonable request and she was disinclined to follow through. I explained that I'd shaved my head in the past but it was too much trouble to maintain - but with stocking cap weather, a very short cut was easier to handle. This was my follow up to "don't you like hair?" from her.

We finally negotiated down to a 1/2 setting. But I was still a little cranky about it. I mean, seriously, I'm 35 years old. Almost 36. If I go in to get my hair cut, and I'm not drunk or high, I should be able to request any hair cut I want without a note from my mom. Although, that would be funny. Ha! I'll have to have that ready to go for next time.

Went home, hit the elliptical for a bit, played some games on the computer, and then watched Hellboy II: The Golden Army while I did a little painting. Good flick, I enjoyed it. Great special effects and well written story. A little cheesy at times, but still good.

That's it for now...

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