Monday, October 15, 2007

psp, timbaland, truck, dreams, costume

I went to the new Target that just opened up near my apartment over the weekend to buy a PSP. The store was extra shiny and I'm hoping they stay there for a long time.

Anyway, the PSP is pretty cool - but the power cord seems to be, well, loose. I'm going to see if it settles in for a few days or so - otherwise, I guess I have to ship it back to Japan or something.

I also bought the new Timbaland CD. It had already passed my 'two good known songs' test - and one of those is just amazing (apologize..timbaland ft one republic). The downside, though, is that he used... well, the "N" word in a lot of his songs. I just skip past them - but it's annoying. I had a black room-mate for a while that declared me "honorary black" a few years ago - but that's not enough to make me comfortable with that particular word. I don't get why anyone, no matter the circumstances, would use a word like that. Seems that no good could come of it.

In other news... another truck tailgated me again this morning. Time to get out the mirror.

I had some odd dreams last night, but at least I know where they came from.

1. I dreamed that I was on a walk and stopped under an apple tree. I picked an apple and took a bite, and spit it out immediately since there was a huge worm in it. I dropped the apple, and looked down to see there were worms all over the ground. And then a few maggots fell out of the tree onto and I ran away screaming like a little girl while trying to brush them off.
Later in the dream I ended up in a house with a pet dog. A maggot that I'd missed fell off my shirt into the food dish where it promptly started eating a scrape of meat. The dog tried to eat the maggot and the meat and I wasn't sure if that was a good idea. I tried to stop the dog and then woke up because I had to use the bathroom.

Source - I watched "the fly" over the weekend.

2. In another dream, I was trying to play a Nintendo video game (with the cartridges) and each of the levels had an old tv show episode recorded over it. Apparently, my room-mate had gotten some wires crossed and recorded the tv onto the Nintendo. Pretty sure that's impossible, but there you go.

Source - I was trying to help him burn some CD's from Napster - plus, I think the new media format for the PHP was in there as well.

Finally, worked more on the costume this weekend. It's going really well, just a few more minor things to wrap up. I've even cleaned up my work area in the basement.

Well, that's about it for now... busy week ahead, including a couple of late evenings.


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