Friday, October 05, 2007

forgetten id, annoyed

I forgot my ID this morning - didn't realize until I was in the parking lot at work that the card was at home in my shirt pocket from the day before.

To get in the building, I had to use the buzzer and since it was so early, only the custodian was here - he let me in without a problem.

The day has been pretty ordinary and the forgotten ID hasn't been an issue. Until I got to the pool.

I recognized the attendant and explained that I had forgotten my ID - could they use my driver's license to look me up?

No, in fact, they couldn't. Instead, he had to get on the walkie-talkie and call for assistance. We waited a few minutes until that assistance came - and it turned out to be someone I knew and that knew me. He thanked me for the work I'd done on this website and commented on how well things were working. Then he handed me a paper form to fill out.

Now, I'm pretty sure the guy at the desk knew me. And the manger knew me as well. And hell, he owed me for the work I'd done. With that in mind, there's also about 1/2 dozen different ways that I could have verified my identity for them as well.

But, no, I had to fill out the paper form. And then handed it to manager. He didn't verify any of the information on the form - didn't even ask for my license. He just took the form and sent me on my way. I went ahead and had my swim, then stopped at the student union and paid cash for my lunch.

Under normal circumstances, I hand my card to the desk attendant and they swipe it and hand it back. But it's only marginally about verifying that I'm allowed in there. More importantly, apparently, is getting that card swipe and adding to their stats for the day.

In every way except that card, I had or could verify who I am. Instead, I was "punished" by having to fill out a stupid and pointless form that will be shoved in a file cabinet and never seen again.

It was stupid. Pointless and stupid. Everyone was very friendly - but they were trapped by a system.

So, chalk it up to a lesson well learned and try and get over being annoyed.

back to work...

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