Friday, October 12, 2007

lights, game

My drive into work in the mornings - if I'm on-time - is generally pretty dark. And while I don't exactly enjoy driving in the dark, I don't really mind it so much. Except for one thing: when some complete wanker in an overisized-I'm-over-compensating-for-something-really-really-small truck pulls up close behind my car. And that happened again this morning. My first thought was, if you need 7 passenger seating in your truck, just go buy a freaking mini-van. My second, and the more important thought to this topic, was "man, that's really bright".

It's those damn headlights. Since the truck sits so much higher on the road, the headlights are also higher and tend to shine directly into my car. Filling it with light. I think this particular wanker was using his highbeams as well, 'cause that can't have been the normal headlights.

It was nearly blinding and I do not like bright lights- especially since my eyes were used to a dark.

To make matters worse, he pulled up behind me at a stop light. So, I'm trapped and blinded.


Fortunately, I turned left and the truck turned right. I managed to get away once the light changed.

It was still annoying and, well, rude.

a. If you must have a truck that big - well, you really don't need one that big. It's silly and a waste of resources.

b. Stop freaking tailgating the cars on the road.

c. If you keep doing it, I'm going to get a big-ass mirror and shine that light right back at you.

All of this rant may have been sponsored by Final Fantasy XII - since I stayed up way too late last night playing. My characters took on a huge freaking dragon and totally kicked it's ass - then had to walk a few miles back to a save point. Good game.

That's about it for now - other than I'm glad it's Friday. Later...

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