Monday, July 09, 2007

terrible nightmare and hallucinations in the pool

I had a terrible nightmare a few nights ago. I was on a tram that had just stopped to unload in a cave. It was supposed to then keep going, but it got stuck and another tram slammed into it. The carnage was terrible. We managed to transport everyone to a second level and then started first aid. Two guys had been decapitated, I started working on the one who had also had his head nearly sliced into three sections. The only supplies on hand were rolls of medical tape, so I first lined up and taped the three sections back together, then taped it to his neck. I asked another of the survivors how we could revive him, when the man's eyes flew open and he shouted at me to "don't talk about me like I'm not here". I was startled - mainly because I didn't think he was alive and that if he moved around too much I thought the tape might give way. I also realized that because of the time I had spent on this guy - the other decapitated guy was really done for.

It was one of the most gory and surreal dreams I've had in a very long time and I was shaken when I woke up.

In other news, I had some smell/taste-based hallucinations today at the pool. While swimming my 20 laps, I had a weird smell/taste sensation - but only while underwater. The first was a combination of baby aspirin and tang - a sort of false citrus flavor. It faded out and a little later I had a powder/pine flavor that shifted more strongly to powder then faded out. The final wave was baker's chocolate/caramel/powdered sugar. I smelled this one more strongly while above water and it's possible that the rest of the mostly off-duty lifeguards were having a snack. In any case, it was damn odd and it threw me off a bit.

I was wearing my swim gloves this time around. Supposed to increase speed while strengthening the upper body. I'm tired, but it's not unusually so. Not sure if they are really making that much of a difference - maybe with the different stroke?

So, that's about it for now. Got some work to do before my afternoon meeting.


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