Monday, July 23, 2007

basement, games, tomb raider, movies, nightmare, scanner

It started with me looking for something in the basement. I can't even remember what it was at this point, but it annoyed me that I couldn't find it. So, on Saturday morning and on into the afternoon - I worked on cleaning out part of the basement. Mostly just sorting things and trying to put some order to the stuff there, but I did manage to fill the garbage can. This lead to sorting through video games and movies to resell - which is always a good thing. I also gathered together all the loose change in the house and between my room-mate and I, we had nearly a hundred bucks. Not too shabby - and we turned it into a gift card for borders at the coinstar location.

I also tried to play the demo for Overlord this weekend - it took multiple download attempts and an update to some software - and then change the display settings before it would run. Turned out to be a pretty cool game, but the computer doesn't have the processing power to keep the frame-rate consistent and the lag is annoying. So, I won't be buying that one.

Played a little tomb raider, made it through some really freaking evil puzzles. The "swinging from a rope while avoiding narrowly timed spinning blades" really sucked. Still, overall, a good game.

Watched some movies this weekend. "It's Alive 2" - the sequel to the 1970's "It's Alive!" - and every bit as bad as the first. My room-mate got the trilogy (!) and we've been watching them as penance for going to the movie theater and spending too much money on popcorn.

I also watched the remake of "The hitcher" - which was pointlessly gory and dumb. I felt nothing for the characters. Live, die, didn't matter. Waste of film.

Also saw "The Thirst" - a direct to video (I think) waste of a DVD. I couldn't even watch the whole thing - even speeding it up to skip to the interesting parts put me at the end credits.

I've also got Brazil on DVD - haven't seen it yet but I've heard good things about that one. It would have to be better than the rest of them I've seen recently.

I had a nightmare fueled by "it's alive!" and a passing comment that my room-mate made over the weekend. The movie may have been lame, but the nightmare was a full-on terror ride. It was too disturbing to go into in detail.

Finally, I found a bunch of letters and cards that I had saved in an old box. I decided that I wanted to preserve those electronically and I went and bought a scanner at BestBuy. Got a pretty good deal and made it through the install without any problems. I think I want to start archiving these things so they don't get lost or damaged.

Well, it's Monday, so it's time to get to work. Been trying to clear off one of our servers and I've just about got everything moved - hoping to wrap this up this week. later...

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