Wednesday, July 11, 2007

road joy, green beans

The drive home from work has an interesting feature for me. It involves an entrance ramp, a heavy merge since the lane is ending, and an exit ramp. All of which I need to use in a fairly short span of time. It is, invariably, a delight. A couple of days ago, I was attempting this feat as I usually do and managed to get over into the proper location without too much difficulty. I found myself behind a police officer, who I could tell was getting annoyed at the people ignoring the gigantic yellow "Lane Ends" signs and decided to move his car to cover both of the lanes.

Then, a complete idiot in a pickup truck comes barreling down the road and decided that he was in far too much of a hurry to put up with the merge process. So, he arrogantly ignored the Lane Ends signs and the horizontal marks across the shoulder indicating a "no drive here" zone - and drove on the shoulder in an attempt to get past all of us. And it would have worked except that he was also ignoring the cop. As some as the pickup truck flew past him, the cop put on his lights and pulled behind him, nearly hitting him in the process since the truck slammed on his brakes. I slowly drove past, nearly cheering in the shared triumph of seeing the stupid and arrogant being punished for being, well, stupid and arrogant. It was the highlight of my drive home.

In other news... last evening I went to Friday's for dinner and tried something new. I got the fried green beans, which sounded pretty good. The huge portion came with cucumber and wasabi dipping sauce. Now, anyone that knows me will be able to tell you that I don't dip very often. Not a big sauce guy. And cucumber? Not high on my list of favorite vegetables (and I actually do have a list like that). But, the lure of wasabi tempted me and I tried it. And, lo and behold, it wasn't bad. Not great, but I didn't have to spit anything out and actually went back for seconds.

The main course for me was shrimp that was, essentially, burned. I still ate most of it, but I really should have just gotten the fried shrimp. I mean, if I'm getting fried green beans, I clearly couldn't be bothered to care about fatty foods.

Anyway, I tried something new and it turned out okay. Will wonders never cease?

That's it for now... later...

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