Thursday, July 26, 2007

hungry eyes, gray, pacman, drill

So, I'm in the locker room earlier this week and they've got the radio blasting over the P.A. system, way louder than usual. The song playing? "Hungry Eyes"

In an age of YouTube and video surveillance, it was not the most reassuring thing to hear. While I'm all for a bit of streaking and I'm not really shy - I'd really rather not end up on the internet. Do I seriously think I was being watched because of a random song on the radio? No. Did I look around for a camera in the shower anyway? Yes.

As I was getting ready for work one morning recently, I noticed that I had one substantial gray hair on the top of my head that would not play along with the others. And no amount of gel would have any impact on it. So, I pulled the damn thing and went to work - mildly cranky.
I've also recently discovered a surge in gray chest hair. Which is quite disappointing as I'm just starting to develop a chest. Again, cranky.

I played a bit of Pac-man world 2 recently - discount games rock. I was doing okay until I reached a level that required a bit of swimming. I acquired all the fruit in that area, they surfaced, got out of the water and tried to proceed. Except the camera refused to move to show me a forward facing view. I used up a lot of lives, but finally forced my way to the end by luck and guesswork. Except it wasn't the end - it was the beginning of the level. I had gotten out of the pool on the wrong side and backtracked through the whole level. Which explains the camera and the need for guesswork. I got turned around and made my way back through the level and then later on I reached an area called B-doing - which I thought meant I'd have to fight giant bees or something. Instead, it's a reference for the sound it makes when he uses a trampoline - of which there are many and of which I suck at using. There might be giant bees later on, but I can't get past the opening area. For now, anyway...

I bought a keyboard tray for our student assistant two days ago since she was having some soreness in her wrist and arm. My mom had carpel tunnel and I wanted to avoid inflicting it on our SA. So, yesterday, we checked it out to see if it would work for her and what tools would be needed. I promised to bring in my drill today and get it set up. Except that my room-mate borrowed my drill - not realizing that I might need it. And he's out of state for the rest of the week and weekend. We're trying to work out something where I can pick up his drill from his secretary this evening. If she goes into his office and if she can find the drill and if she's willing to bring it back to her house so that I can go and pick it up. If I can remember where she lives. I think I'm okay on the last part, but that's still another delay.

So, I'm going to try to use my dremel to get the job done. It's not the right tool for the job, but I'm going to try and make it work. Otherwise, I'll see if I can find one around here - maybe with the networking dudes.

I guess that's about it for now... back to work...

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