Friday, April 15, 2005

zombies, navy spam, too much video games

Reading Savage Love this morning - a column from Dan Savage in seattle that discusses some of the weirder issues of love, sex, and life - and a reader sent a letter in about having a Zombie Fetish. I'm not going to go into details, but as someone with a Zombie PHOBIA - well, it was extra creepy.

Got an email this morning as well from a navy recruiter - offering "money for your education, experience in highly technical positions, all while staying in the local area." Seems a little odd that a branch of the US government would be sending spam, but there you go. I'm going to hang onto this one - might be good evidence for some future argument.

And I think I may have played too many video games. Had a dream last night that was a combination of Prince of Persia and Pitfall Harry. Essentially, get from point a to point b - and pretty much everything between is some kind of trap. I woke up exausted. Guess I need to take a break from those.

Might be the dream, might be the last remenent of the cold - but I'm feeling slightly disconnected from reality this morning. Or maybe like I'm waiting for something to happen. I dunno, it's weird.

Well, I guess it's time get back to work...

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