Tuesday, April 12, 2005

reality rewritten

Had a weird dream this morning, but then, aren't they all? In this dream, I was in a house that had a typewriter in the front hall. It was constantly typing out everything that happened in the house - dialoge, actions - the whole deal. And anyone in the house could take over and type something to make it come true. All the pages were stacked to one side, so if someone in the house left for a bit, they could read what happened and catch up. On the surface it would seem pretty chaotic, but everyone "played fair" and didn't abuse the typewriter. We all (I think there were 5 or 6 of us) got along pretty well. And to make matters stranger, the dream started with the story being told from the perspecitve of a cat that wandered in.

I woke up when the alarm went off, then drifted right back into the dream to keep it going. I'm really hoping its the drugs I'm taking for my cold - 'cause this was way messed up.

I'm feeling a little better today, not as much mucus. Which is always nice. Got a bit of a cough, but it's not bad. Could just be because I left a window open last night. I guess I'm rushing summer a bit.

Did a bunch of reading yesterday and listened to music. A pretty quiet evening - something I need at least until I'm feeling all the way better.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Back to work...

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