Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Epic dream - the plant

I'm going to try and capture this before it fades away - it was really weird. And that's saying something.

I dreamed I was swimming in the ocean with 2 of my friends and when we got out I noticed that each of us had a cluster of seedpods/egg cases under our skin. Mine were on my shoulder and I lanced one with a pin. Instead of pus as I expected, there was a little clear fluid and then a narrow green plant stem. I squeezed the skin around it and more of the plant pushed though until it was about 4 inches tall. It had green and blue leaves that dried fuzzy - the blue leaves arranged like the red leaves on a poinsettia - though much smaller. As we watched, tiny white flowers bloomed on the small plant. It didn't seem to hurt though we were all very worried. The three of us located a marine botanist at a local research center who found the plant in one of her books - but had no idea what to do with it.

So, we pulled it out, marveled at the root system it had in me - then decided to check with a local expert on "things put inside the human body". This guy had just recently created a hollow cavity in a person's back and had filled it with water - and four goldfish. The fish, we found out, weren't entirely real - sort of like cybog fish. They had real guts and skin, but their skeleton was artifical.

A little more study and we learned that the skeletons contained computer information that - when put together - completed a research paper.

So, for lack of something better to do, we deciphered the information and discovered that a 2 year old boy who was working on his doctorate was actually the reincarnation of a young black woman from africa who had been working on her masters in virology. It seems this young woman had exposed herself accidentally to a virus and had then experiemented on herself looking for a cure. She was unsuccessful, died, and was reincarnated as this young boy who was continuing her work.

We had inadvertantly uncovered an ethics violation - since none of the experiements she had done were cleared for use on humans. And that ethics violation apparently followed her to the next life.

Still no closer to the "plant growing of my shoulder" thing - I gave up and went to my parents house, where they helped me pull all the plants from my shoulder. I think I went there 'cause they have a nice yard and would know about pulling weeds.

And then the dream just kinda stalled - like when a conversation is over, but you're stuck with a person and have nothing to say. So, I just hung out there until I woke up.

And checked my shoulder for a plant. Or even a suspicious bump.

For those of you playing along at home, this is the third dream where something has grown out of my skin.

And now that I've got that written down - it's back to work...

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