Thursday, April 07, 2005

thems the brakes, a long walk, and a cold

My brakes have been squeeling for the past few week or so - and I finally went to get them fixed yesterday. Pulled into Midas, went inside, and the guy behind the counter remarked, "So, you need your brakes worked on?" - since he had obviously heard me pull in. I was slightly embarassed about that - but hey, it's his job to notice things like that.

They were really busy yesterday and shorthanded, so he asked if I could leave the car there. I thought for a moment and then agreed, since it was a reasonable walking distance home. I gave him the keys and walked homeward, stopping briefly at the comic store to get some reading material. I got home, played a video game - waiting for the call from Midas and hoping they could fix it that day. Otherwise, I'd have no way to work today.

They finally called at 6:30, said the full crew was there, and they should have it done at 5 till 7:00. I told them I'd be there and headed out - wondering why the odd time. In route I figured they maybe they closed at 7:00 and I had visions of finding the place shut down and my car locked in one of the bays. I hustled a little and got there at 3 till 7:00 - and my car was still in the bay, still up on the hoist, and the rear tires weren't back on. So, I sat and waited for a bit while they finished up, took the car for a test drive, and handed me the keys - after I paid a boatload of money. Brake pads, rotors, and cleaning. Yikes. My car is running fine now, I just can't afford to put gas in it.

And I've officially got a cold. I usually have a mild sniffle most of the winter that gets slightly worse when the temp changes, but this is a full blown cold. Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuff head, and maybe a feaver. So, I'm drinking a lot of tea and slowly filling my garbage can with tissues.

I organized my art supplies a bit this week - with an eye toward some new projects. I'll update my site when I get some things done and photographed.

Well, I think that's it for now - time to get back to work...

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