Monday, April 04, 2005

very disturbing dream

I dreamed last night that my Mom, my sister, and I were going to visit my grandparents on my Mom's side - though in reality both of grandparents have passed away. In the dream, sometime before my grandmother's passing, but after my grandfather had died, my mom pulled into the drive and had to stop and wash all the cars that were there. She was apparently very nervous and I couldn't blame her. We'd just found out that my grandfather had been the subject of a very high-tech nanotech experiement - and had been brought back from the dead. And not in a scary zombie kinda way - but brought back for real with his personality and memories intact. My sister and I went on up to the house, knocked, and went in when my grandfather opened the door. He looked like I remembered him, before he got sick with cancer. We gave him a hug and waited in the doorway for Mom to finish washing the cars. My grandmother was apparently upstairs getting changed.

We seemed to accept that he was back - though still kinda shocked and surprised and all. He seemed a little tired, but in good spirits. The dream ended as my mom walked up to the door.

...cause my alarm was going off and I ended up knocking the clock to the floor to try and shut it off. I either need to get a bigger nightstand or a smaller alarm clock.

And I guess that's about it for now - I've got some emails to return this morning and a training session this afternoon that has me a little concerned.

So, it's back to work...

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