Friday, May 01, 2009


With the natitorium pool closing next week, I decided to get a membership at the rec center pool.  Both are on campus and within easy walking distance of my work building - the nat has a nice pool, but the rec center is a nicer facility over all.    The biggest difference for me, though, is the price.   As a staff member, I can use the nat for free - the rec center membership for the summer costs $100.  Seeing as how I really want to keep swimming this summer, I don't have much of a choice.

So, I headed over to the rec center yesterday to get a membership - and it took about 10 minutes for them to find someone that could process the membership.    I had to fill out a form - which was dumb since it only asked for info already on file in my employee records - and when she asked how long I wanted the membership I explained:

"Just for the summer - I usually swim in the nat..."

Her reply:  "You know the nat pool is closed for the summer,"

Me:  "That's why I'm here,"

She did give me a bit of a bonus by starting my membership a week early I won't have to miss out my swim before the summer "officially" starts.

Today I headed to the rec center for my swim and got in 27 laps.   There's a current that I alternately benefited from and fought - I think it made for a better workout overall.


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