Monday, May 18, 2009

visit, soccer, wheeling, party, gerbil

My room-mate's sister visited last week - she was there for a few days and helped him plant some flowers while he was off work.   I think they had a nice visit.  She was also around and was able to help when the new floor was put in.   Apparently, it was a much bigger, louder, and dirtier project than anticipated.   The appliances and the island in the kitchen needed to be moved - as well as the toilet in the bathroom and the contents of the hall closet.   Fortunately for me - I was at work and missed the entire event - including the smoke detector going off for half and hour.     Yea me!

Saturday morning I took my FMR's mom to a soccer game for her grandson.   It looked like rain and I was prepared with an umbrella.   When it first started, I held the umbrella over her and that was okay for a while.    When the rain really picked up, that was enough for her.   I took her home and went on my way. 

That afternoon, we took my room-mate's sister back to Wheeling.   I helped them clear out some stuff from their dad's basement in preparation for the house sale.   I think we could have done more, but she was done.   I also insisted that we stop for dinner at Long John Silver's  - figuring that I had helped with a clean-up/move I was entitled to some food.  :)

On Sunday, went to a graduation party for a friend.   It was cool to catch up a bit and see some friends.   I had a nice time, but it was a little chilly in the shade.

I also did a bit of reading and video game playing over the weekend - and at times, I did both at once.   One of the new games I got  - Super Paper Mario - has little Mario accidentally breaking a vase and having to pay for it.  Unfortunately, its in a currency he doesn't have and will have to earn the money to leave the area.  

1 million rubees.   

The best way to earn this is to have mario run in a treadmill and generate electricity.   Like a gerbil - in fact, the other characters refer to him as such.    I held down the run button for a while, then checked the earnings.   Tried holding it down for a while to determine the rate and realized that there's a 10 minute cap of 18,000 rubees.   He can run longer, but doesn't earn any more.   So, hold down the button for 10 minutes, collect reward, repeat.   Fortunately, you can put the money in the bank and save the game.      I've been playing this same really boring area for a while and still about 485,000 to go.    I've also read two books - one-handed - during that time and I really wish I could just get back to the game.   I checked online and the only hints they have involve taping the controller button down. 

That's it for now - back to work.    I'm getting close to my 600th post on this blog.   Not that it means much, but it's interesting.   Didn't realize I had that much to say.


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