Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Some friends invited me to the Akron Aeros game last night.  It had been threatening rain all day and the forecast wasn't good, but when it looked like the game would at least start, I headed out to the ballpark.

The Aeros field is a pretty good one - not a bad seat in the house - but the team pretty much sucked last night.  So, we focused on the other events in the ballpark.

1. #17 on the Aeros broke his bat.   He later went on to get hurt diving for a ball, but was back on his feet in a couple of innings.

2. Instead of an animated race on the scoreboard, three people dressed up as cream sticks raced around the field.  I have never seen such violent doughnuts before.  They were knocking each other down and tripping each other.   Finally, around the home stretch, vanilla emerged as the clear winner.

3. Later, three contestants were brought out to play a fun game of "fish or no fish".   They looked up at the scoreboard, saw a word, and had to decide if they thought it was a fish or not a fish.

The word was Dentex and they all decided it was not a fish.   They were all wrong and they all lost the round.   And there was only one round, so, you know, fun.

4. At 8:54 PM, someone from the upper deck dumped beer on us.  At least, we hope it was beer.   They didn't show their face the rest of the game.

5. There was also a guessing game for the first guy in a section to hold up a box of popcorn.   He picked the wrong pizza box and won a roll of toilet paper.

6. The first person to hold up their national city bank card got to go change out the third base.

7.  And while the previously mentioned #17 was limping off the field, a clip of Animal House was played to keep us entertained.  It didn't work.

8. There was a guy in front of us, with a mullet, wearing a shirt that boldly proclaimed "Sex is like Air".    It was apparent that he was suffocating.

The rain, which had been threatening all evening, finally began in earnest.  We were amazed by how many people actually stayed the entire time.    The Aeros lost 5-0.

Still, it was fun to get out for the evening and hang out with some friends.   I'm hoping to catch a few more games this summer.

Three meetings today - time to get back to it.  later...

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