Tuesday, May 19, 2009

time, mario

Just got a call from the payroll office - I'm about to exceed my accrued vacation time.   Beyond that, and I start to lose the time.

Do they not know that I'm the master of Space and Time?  I mean, seriously, me?  Lose time?

Yeah, it sucks.   

I dunno why I've got so much time accrued.  I guess part of it is that I don't like to travel.  If I'm not working, well, then I'd be at home.   Why not work then?

Plus, the idea of having a lot of vacation time was appealing.   Sort of as a back up in case I really needed to take time off - injury/illness or some other serious event.    Although I've also got a pile of sick time as well.   

The notion that I've earned this and now it will just go away if I don't use it - well, it doesn't seem fair.

So, I've got to take some time off.   I'm already starting to plan for a few days in July, but I may need to start taking a few here and there as well.  Maybe some long weekends.

I'm also a little torqued that I didn't get any heads up before hand.   At this moment, I'm already over my limit.  A little earlier warning "before" I hit the limit would be nice.    And trying to find out that limit?   Took me 20 minutes of searching through our site before I found a PDF on the General Counsel's website.  

It doesn't help that I'm cranky and have been all day.   Mild headache, non-awesome lunch, and annoying stuff here at work.     The irony that the best remedy for this kind of mood is to take some time off is not lost on me.

It's almost time to go  home for the day.  I'm looking forward to some sunshine and maybe a good book.

Oh, almost forgot.  I finally earned enough money to get past that section of the game in Super Paper Mario.  

(Actually, I earned more than enough and lost the extra when I couldn't use it.  Hmmmm....)

Anyway, I got stuck and had to go to the Internet to find the solution.  I'm making progress again and enjoying the game - I may play some more this evening when the sun goes down.


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