Friday, May 08, 2009

muppet, wine

When I'm helping build a webform, there's always a testing period.   For at least the first test, I put in real information so that if it ends up not going were expected, it will be easier to track down.  I always use a made up name - the more ridiculous the better - and the word Test if there's a comment area.  

Well, apparently the test data didn't get cleared out of the database.   I got a call on the answering machine at home yesterday asking for confirmation of attendance at a luncheon.    The message was directed toward....  Link Hogthrob.

For those of you that don't know - and apparently the person making the call is one of those - Link Hogthrob is the pig captain of the SS SwineTrek along with First Mate Piggy and Dr. Julius Strangepork.    On the Muppet show.

My room-mate suggested I tell them he can't come because of the swine flu - but if they didn't get the Muppet pig reference - the won't get this joke either.

So, I have to make a call today that I'm dreading.   Do I play it cool and actually pretend to be Link and cancel?  Or do I try to explain and not embarrass them? 

In other news... I went to a wine tasting event last night that my room-mate's rotary club puts on every year.   The only reason I go to these is to make sure he gets home okay and to bid on the silent auction items for a Mother's day gift.      The pickings were slim at the auction table, though I did get something that will work - I think.      Fortunately, I brought plenty of paper and just stood quietly off to the side.    Kind of a strange and boring evening for the designated driver, but I knew what to expect and got through it.

That's it for now... later

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