Friday, May 08, 2009


For the past week, there has been a giant cardboard in the kitchen/breakroom here in the building with a garbage bag as a liner.   There are no labels or signs anywhere near the box to indicate i's purpose and rumors abound.    Today, I contacted the building coordinator and he gave me the facts.

The cardboard boxes are for the swine flu.   

Okay, stay with me on this, it gets better.

The idea is that restroom users will be able to open the door to the restroom as they leave while shielding themselves from the handle with a paper towel.   That potenially swine-flu laden towel can then be disposed of in the cardboard box.    

All fine in theory, except:

1. How would we know to follow that practice?
2. The restrooms exit out into the kitchen.  Not a good storage area for biohazzard materials.
3. The garbage cans are right inside the restroom doors - allowing a user to open the door while holding a paper towel, then throw it away and exit before the door closes.
4. There's already a garbage can in the kitchen - so now we have two and less floorspace.
5. Seriously - this is supposed to protect us from swine flu?

I'm more worried about the "black dust" that blows out of the vents and settles on our desks and tables - and, I'm guessing in our lungs.  And the hazerdous chemical waste storeage facility behind our building next to the loading dock.

Swine flu?  Please, if I can survive this building, I'm not worried about the flu.


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