Sunday, May 03, 2009


I was heading up the stairs from the basement this afternoon when the "incident" occured.   My flip-flops - which, since they have the UA logo on them are really zip-flops - betrayed me and I stumbled.  This instantly turned my zip-flops into trip-flops and I went down hard.   My left big toe got cut and the nail was painfully torn.   I made it to the top of the stairs and stood there for a moment - then verifed that yes, I was bleeding.   

I got myself doctored up and was back up to speed in no time.   And then I headed back downstairs to see if I'd at least managed to damage the steps.     I didn't.

The weekend has been pretty quiet otherwise.  Lots of reading and video games.  Not looking forward to work tomorrow, but it's finals week and it should be a little quiet for us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You fell UP the stairs?

-Your sis