Sunday, March 01, 2009

cow, quarantine, tooth

Went to Chick-fil-a for dinner last night and from the balloons visible two blocks away it was evident that a childrens birth-day party was underway. Once in the restaurant, there weren't that many children present - it looked as though the party was over. After getting the food and sitting down, the children returned from the play area.

Now, I'm a big fan of polite, well-behaved children. I think they have neat ideas and an interesting perspective on the world. These children were neither. They got worse when asked to line up to to spin the prize wheel. And then worse again when... the cow showed up. Someone dressed as the Eat More Chikn cow lumbered in and photo ops abounded. I wondered if dressing up as the cow was a reward or a punishment.

Done with the meal, a quick exit away from the cow, and back into the cold - but peaceful - night air.

My room-mate and I watched Quarantine yesterday. It was essentially "cloverfield" + "28 days later" - suspense + bad acting. So, a not quite zombie plague with a camcorder. In a building. Fortunately, I had a good book started and read through most of it - and I don't think I missed much.

I also discovered, last evening, that I had somehow managed to chip a tooth. On what, I don't know. But while not really visable, it's easy to feel with my tongue and very annoying. Looks like I finally need to make an appointment with a dentist.


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