Friday, March 27, 2009

36, taxes, games, twitter

I did 36 laps in the pool today - no problem.  I wasn't even winded when I got out.   Next Saturday's 2 miles should be a snap.  

I worked on my taxes the other evening.  The federal and state were okay - I used Turbo Tax  and breezed through those.   I haven't done the city one yet - those are always the worst.   The forms are almost deliberately complicated and I'm not looking forward to it.   I'm trying to decide if I should be a in good mood when I start - thereby only dragging me down to a middle level.  Or if I should wait until I'm already in a bad mood since it won't ruin a good mood.

I played a little Red Steel for the Wii.  It reminded me once again that I am no good at first-person shooters.  I barely made it through the first section of the first level before I died.  And with really long load times, eh, I don't think this game will spend much time in the fun category.

I also played a little Super Mario Galaxy last night and did pretty well until I got to a level where:

1. Mario is trapped in a essentially a Plexiglas box.
2. He has to run around and jump over obstacles.
3. The ceiling is coming down on him
4. He's upside down.

What is this?  A death trap from the old live action Batman series?  Who comes up with this?

The way out of this is to keep moving left and jump when appropriate.   Simple, right?   


All the shouting at the TV did no good - just like when my room-mate yells at the TV during WVU football games.    The yelling turned into swearing and threats, but that didn't  help either.   I finally gave up for the evening and read a book.

Well, I signed up for twitter.   Ugh.   I realized I was missing things that were going on with my co-workers and friends - they kept referring to things that they had twitted and I was out of the loop.   Will I send my own twits?   Not until I get an unlimited cell phone texting plan.  So, you know, never.    

I've got a twitter account.   What the  hell happened to me?  I mean, just a year ago I was still on the "cell phones are dum"  bandwagon.    And now I've got a twitter account.  

(hangs head in shame)

I still don't have a blu-tooth-walking-down-the-street-talking-to-myself-like-a-crazy-person-headset   So,  there's still hope for me.

Starting to get a big of a headache - I think I need to take a break for a few minutes.  We still don't have a vending machine in the building, so I'll have to head over to the school of law to get a snack/drink.


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