Thursday, January 10, 2008

lightbox, heart, elliptical, chipotle, portal

Last evening, in perparation for a project for work, I made a light box. Based off of a diagram of a former student assistant, I made a box for taking photos of objects - in this case, origami. The box is just a cardboard box with holes cut in the top and sides. The holes have vellum over them to let in soft light and the front is open and covered with poster board to allow entry of the objects.

Took me a while to do, but it turned out great. The next step was to make some Origami hearts - which I did, including one made out of red vellum. I put them in the box and took pictures, then sent them to my work address.

A little resizing and I had a nice banner made for a valentine's day dance on campus - since I was doing the credit card application and they hadn't given me any graphics.

Notice I said "hadn't". As soon as I sent the sample page to the coordinators of the dance, they sent back an email with the graphics they wanted to use.

So, that was kind of a bummer. Still, I got the light box made and that will be helpful down the road.

In other news... I called about the elliptical yesterday. After I finally got though a person we diagnosed that the problem was the 'pivot tube' - and they were out of stock. So, should be in stock sometime next week and they will ship a new one to us. At which point we'll be able to make arrangements to have a technician come over to do the install. Annoying since we have to wait, but at least it's still under warranty.

Chipotle today for the traditional Thursday lunch. It was, as usual, excellent.

Played a few moments of portal last night without a crash - I'll try again tonight.

That's it for now... later...

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