Monday, January 07, 2008

elliptical, car, portal, lights, hair, blood drive.

I think I may have broken the elliptical trainer on Saturday. Or rather, been on it when it broke. My room-mate and I have noticed the occasional squeak from the machine but disregarded it. I started noticing the squeaking increase, along with a squeal that did not sound normal and called my room-mate downstairs to listen. He got a flashlight as well and tried to see where it was coming from. A few more slow revolutions and we noticed a grinding sound. We switched and I looked while he slowly rotated the pedals. Until he couldn't. It locked up and refused to budge. I suspect there may be some issue with the brakes - which I haven't even used yet. So, we're going to call customer support and get it fixed. It's only slightly older than a month and already broken.

Got my eCheck done - took only a few minutes and no longer costs anything. Went to the BMV to get my tags renewed and there was no line. The process only took a few minutes there too - I was lucky.

Played more Portal this weekend. Kicked some serious ass. The levels I'm in have automated gun turrets deal with a twisted sense of humor, timed buttons across acid pits, and essentially jumping off a cliff to hit a portal at high speeds to fly straight up out of another portal to reach a higher level. Crazy vertigo.

I took down the Christmas lights in record time this year. The weather was nice(ish) and they came down pretty easily - far easier than when my room-mate put them up before Christmas.

Found some additional missed long hairs on my head - that barber did a real hack job. Looks like I need to find yet another place or buy myself a flowbee.

Blood drive this afternoon. They've had a couple people calling me and trying to schedule me for an appointment. I've made one, then got a follow up reminder call. These people are way serious.

Well, got a couple of meetings today - better get to it. later...

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