Tuesday, January 01, 2008


The rest of the week after my trip sucked. Busy as all get-out and cranky. Had some users that were pretty much going after me - despite my best efforts. With the work week over - I hopped in my car and headed to central Ohio to visit my parents for Christmas. My sister and brother-in-law were there too and we opened presents and played games - UNO, dominos, a little poker. I did okay at the UNO and dominos - but I was really bad at poker.

The day after Christmas - my parents, their dog, and I got in their new SUV and headed to Illinois to visit my grandmother. The drive... was very long. Very very long. They had recently gotten a garmin GPS so that was kinda fun, but it was still a long drive. Very long.

We spent a few days with my grandmother at her place - and made a few trips to Wal-mart for various supplies that weren't really needed, but we were all going a little stir-crazy.

On the 29th, grandma had her annual soup-supper. The potato soup was excellent and I think everyone had a good time - until we were done eating. Most of the people there left early - which turned out to be just as well since everyone left the finished basement for the first floor. And there wasn't enough room for everyone on the first floor. It was crowded, but we tried to make the best of it. I went to bed around 11:00 - though if that was eastern or central time I couldn't tell you.

We left the next morning - though not really early enough for my taste. 7 hours in the SUV - then another 2.5 for me back to Akron. I didn't sleep well on Sunday night - and then was up again for work at 7:00. It was pretty quiet at work yesterday since most people took the day off - but as a consequence I couldn't get as much done as would have liked.

Went and got a haircut after work - and waited almost a 1/2 hour before I they could start on me. I wanted an all-over same length buzz cut - which should have been pretty easy. I didn't notice it at the time, but it wasn't even. I'm going to have to get a mirror and some scissors to clean it up a bit before going out in public again. Disappointing.

I stayed in for New Year's eve - and watched the Rockin New Years eve. Ryan Seacrest was as fake as usual and Dick Clark seemed marginally better than last year, but it was still tough to watch. I was in bed and asleep by 12:15

I've got the day off today and I'm spending most of it hanging out at home - trying to recover.

So, that's been my holiday. Parts were fun, parts were painfully boring and overall - I'm exhausted. It'll be nice to get back to "normal" and back into the groove of things.

Oh, and on a final note - I'm on the jury duty list. Starting the day after my birthday. I'm going to have to call the night before and then every evening for a week. Could be nothing - could be the sequestered for the trial of the century. It's also the first week of classes. Worst possible time...

Kinda of a downer entry for what should have been a really happy time, but I'm just too tired...

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